Digital Storytelling
Presenter: Christine Power- University of Massachusetts, Boston
21st Century Learners & Digital Storytelling
In June 2006, Sir Ken Robinson gave what has become one of the most widely distributed education-related talks in TED history. Professor Emeritus at the University of Warwick, Dr. Robinson's work focuses on the impact of the declining role of creativity and imagination in education and has led to influential appointments by the UK, Hong Kong, Singapore governments, as well as the European Commission. In this TED talk, Dr. Robinson makes a compelling argument to rethink the structure of contemporary schools, which in his opinion honor academic-focused achievement, at the expense of creativity and imagination.
Digital Storytelling: Achievement through Creativity?
Leslie Rule defines digital storytelling as "the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Throughout history, storytelling has been used to share knowledge, wisdom, and values. Stories have taken many different forms. Stories have been adapted to each successive medium that has emerged, from the circle of the campfire to the silver screen, and now the computer screen" (Center for Digital Storytelling, 2011). The Center for Digital Storytelling's work is guided by the following principles, which can easily be transferred to the educational arena:
- Everyone has many powerful stories to tell.
- Listening is hard.
- People see, hear, and perceive the world in different ways.
- Creative activity is human activity.
- Technology is a powerful instrument of creativity.
- Sharing stories can lead to positive change.
Digital Storytelling resources
As you navigate through these resources and reflect on how to effectively integrate digital storytelling into the curricula, explore these great resources:
- How to Use Digital Storytelling in Your Classroom
Edutopia published this succinct how-to-guide for educators interested in incorporating digital storytelling into the classroom. Through the piece, Jennifer New shares concrete advice from two seasoned classroom teachers about the challenges of working with video and digital stories. This advice is designed to help educators, like yourself, who hope to engage students in the learning process and harness the power of storytelling. - Tell a Story, Become a Lifelong Learner
As part of Microsoft's Microsoft in Education guides, this Digital Storytelling guidebook provides a comprehensive step by step guide to enacting Digital Storytelling projects in your classroom. The guide includes a significant number of real-world examples of student projects from K-12.